
Compagnia Petranura Danza

Founded in 1997 by Laura Odierna e Salvatore Romania, the association Megakles Ballet generates inside a stable working nucleus called “Petranuradanza”. Petranura (naked stone on the Sicilian vocabulary) evokes the magmatic action of the Etna volcano, frighteningly destructive force and, evenly, amazingly generator, capable of changing and continuously renew his appearance.
In 2008, it presents “Installation” to “5th UVA Grapes Catania Contemporary Dance Festival” organized by Scenario Pubblico e Teatro Massimo Bellini (Catania).
In 2009, Petranuradanza won first prize for best choreography at GALA WDA (World Dance Alliance Europe) International project “WANTED Choreographers”. The prize was a residency for the creation of the new project “Ge-am” which debuted in July 2010 to Tsyoing theater of Kaohsiung (Taiwan) and was selected for the Venice Biennale Dance 2010 CAPTURING EMOTIONS directed by Ismael Ivo. In the same period, Petranuradanza participates in the “Dreamtime”, edition IV International festival Teatro Franco Parenti in Milan and was awarded the prize SIAE for the best choreography at XII International Dance Competition “Michele Abbate”.
In 2011, the Company presents the show “Ma-shalai” at the prestigious East West Festival and partecipates at several renowned festivals such as those organized by the Lavanderia a Vapore (Tourin) and by the Teatro Libero (Palermo).
In 2012 the production “Infinitamente piccolo” – homage to Primo Levi- was a guest of the festival “I punti danza” organized by Egri Foundation for dance in Turin.
In 2013, Petranuradanza was a guest of the National Festival organized by Villa Pantelleria (Palermo), of the National Festival of Contemporary Danze (Teatro Palacaccin city of Chioggia), of the Festival Biella Danza 2013 organized by Piemonte Live and Opificio dell’arte, of the National Festival Teatro Due (Rome), of the International Festival Padova Danza and of the Scenario Pubblico Theatre (Catania).
Since 2015, Petranuradanza is one of the companies associated with the Center Scenario Pubblico and has been on stage with “Frammenti di un discorso amoroso” at the Teatro Libero (Palermo) and at the Teatro Vittoria (Turin), with “Pixel Revolution “at the Teatro ai Colli (Padova), at the Danseu Festival Les Piles 2015 (Spain) and at the Festival I punti danza (Turin), and has been hosted at the Zawirowania dance Festival (Poland), at UVA Grapes (Catania), at I Cantieri dell’immaginario Festival (Abruzzo) and at the Tendance Festival (Lazio).