
  Spiegel means "mirror" both in Flamish and in German. It is a narcissistic thread which shows the importance of the show, made up of a series of performances starting from 1986. Spiegel could be more than a mirror, a rear-view mirror in which images from the past suddenly appear and disappear as blinding flashes. The scene is empty and dark, a perfect bareness to make 20 years dance live again in an hour and a half.
Coreografia, regia e film Wim Vandekeybus
Musiche Arno & Ad Cominotto, David Byrne, Thierry de Mey, Pierre Mertens, Marc Ribot, Peter Vermeersch
Interpreti Laura Arís Alvarez, Konstantina Efthimiadou, Elena Fokina, Robert M. Hayden, Germán Jauregui Allue, Jorge Jauregui Allue, Ulrike Reinbott, Giovanni Scarcella, Helder Seabra, Wim Vandekeybus
Drammaturgia e assistente Greet Van Poeck
Costumi Stéphanie Croibien, Heidi Ehrhart
Disegno luci Wim Vandekeybus, Francis Gahide, Ralf Nonn
Scenografia Wim Vandekeybus con l’assistenza di Isabelle lhoas, Daniel Huard
Coordinamento tecnico e ingegnere del suono Ralf Nonn
Responsabile di scena Daniel Huard
Ingegnere luci Alban Rouge
Interpreti film Inaki Azpillaga, Francois Brice, Carmelo Fernandez
Una produzione Ultima Vez in coproduzione con KVS (Brussels), PACT Zollverein/Choreographisches Zentrum NRW (Essen), Théâtre de la Ville-Paris
Ultima vez è sostenuta da: Flemish Government & the Flemish Community Commission of the Brussels Capital Region