
Madness of the Gods

Madness of the Gods is a contemporary dance performance which contains theatrical and performative elements and explores the concept of the origins of desire and attraction between human beings. "Why are we attracted to each other? " and "Why are we attracted to some people and not to others?"
These questions form the base of our research and performance.
Madness of the Gods is the result of Daniela Bendini (Fin) and Moritz Ostruschnjak (Sweden) collaboration. The performance has been created and developed with the support of Goteborgs Operan, 3:e Vaningen and Atalante theatre (http://www.atalante.org ) where it has been performed for the first time in February 2013.
Madness of the Gods is actually part of a larger project with base in Finland and Sweden.
The main intention of the project is to exchange and work together with artists of different fields in order to create a dialogue with professionals from the Nordic countries or with artists that have been experienced to live in the North and to explore themes around social behavior, relationships, gender and environment.
The aim for the future is to enlarge this way of working involving and inviting also artists from different countries and cultures around the world.
Project, direction and choreography:
Daniela Bendini with Moritz Ostruschnjak
Daniela Bendini, Moritz Ostruschnjak
Johan Rödström
Original live music:
Mikko V. Luolajan Mikkola
With the support of Atalante theatre, 3:e Vaningen, Goteborgs Operan and Scenario Pubblico
photo Jubal Battisti