
CZD2 giovane compagnia zappalà danza

CZD2 giovane compagnia zappalà danza is a young ensemble consisting of selected dancers coming from the MoDem PRO programme, a precious poll that the Company has already used as an incubator for some of the professional dancers that have joined Compagnia Zappalà Danza in the last years. Moreover, the ensemble has become a creative tool in support to a new generation of choreographers that, fostered by the Italian Dance Production Centre, have shown an increasingly interest in working with the young dancers of CZD2. In fact, the selected members are highly skilled and posses great creative sensitivity, key elements for the artistic practices developed.

Today the repertoire of the CZD2 includes creations by choreographers Samir Calixto, Manfredi Perego, Maud de la Purification, Milan Tomasik, Seifeddine Manai, Giovanni Scarcella, Daniela Bendini/Moritz Ostruschnjak, Amos Ben-Tal and Roberto Zappalà. In the past the company performed original creations by choreographers Giovanna Velardi, Loris Petrillo, Helge Letonja, Davide Sportelli, Yuval Pick, Gabriella Maiorino and others.