Compagnia Zappalà Danza
Founded in Catania (Sicily – I) in 1989 by Roberto Zappalà, artistic director and main choreographer, and regularly supported since 1996 by the Italian Ministry of Culture and by the Region of Sicily, Compagnia Zappalà Danza is considered one of the most interesting contemporary dance companies working today in Italy.
Compagnia Zappalà Danza distinguish itself for the availability of a wide and articulated repertory, result of the synergistic and prolific work of Roberto Zappalà and the dramaturgue Nello Calabrò, who traced together a projectual path in continous expansion, allowing the realization of productions of different typology, from intimate creations for a few dancers to those with the entire company, most of them with live music.
For the productions of the company, Zappalà often deals with articulated projects, some of them: “Corpi incompiuti” (2002-2007), “Instruments”(2007-2009), “re-mapping Sicily” (started in 2007, it is still part of the choreographer’s work). Among his creations for the company, “Pasolini nell’era di Internet” selected for BIG Torino 2000, and “A.semu tutti devoti tutti?”, awarded with the Danza&Danza Prize 2009 best italian production. Recently the production LA NONA (from chaos, the body) received the Danza&Danza2015 Award Italian Production of the Year
Since March 2002 , the company is resident at Scenario Pubblico in Catania (Sicily -I). The new location has allowed the company and the choreographer to extend and to deepen their choreographic research, embedding in the Sicilian territory not only with the productive and performing activity but also with MoDem, a structure promoting the spread of the company’s language.
In 2015 Compagnia Zappalà Danza together with Scenario Pubblico has been recognized by the Italian Ministry of Culture as National Dance Production Centre, with only two other italian structures.
The company is also associated to MilanOltre Festival for the 3-years period 2018-2020.