
Balletto Teatro di Torino

A choreography by Matteo Levaggi built on a fading tension between “to see” and “to touch”, imagining to own an object in the moment you’ve touched it and to watch it disappearing. A performance which is not an opposition to something, but that comes from a seduction game, an alteration from what already exists, and which allows to bring our material and tangible things into another un-reality.
“these dance performances, dipped in the white, take the clearness of the glass, of the white light, that symbolize the fleetingness of a work of art”.
Between stillness and changeability, we see a series of ensembles, trios and duets created on the base of ballet technique, but which go towards a strong contemporary language.
Coreografia Matteo Levaggi
Musiche György Ligeti, Mika Vainio, Autechre.
Interpreti Selene Manzoni, Manuela Maugeri, Viola Scaglione, Giuseppe Cannizzo, Mattia Furlan, Riccardo Meneghini, Vito Pansini, Shang Chi Sun.
Disegno luci Marco Policastro
Produzione Balletto Teatro di Torino
In co-produzione con Biennale de la Danse de Lyon, Regione Piemonte, Festival Torino Danza.