
Anna Forzutti

She studied dance until the age of 18 at Artedanza Padua, and then began to deepen her studies in various European centers. In the summer of 2017 she took part as a dancer in the show of Pietro Marullo’s company “Insiemi unreali” on the occasion of the Oriente Occidente festival in Rovereto.

In September 2017 she moved to the Netherlands to study at the Dance in Art in Haarlem. In early 2018 she began working with choreographer Rianne Keyzer, with whom she toured the Netherlands and France for the show Water Works.

In 2019 she returned to Italy and between April and June 2019 she took part in the Biennale College Danza program under the direction of Marie Chouinard, participating to the creations of Alessandro Sciarroni and the Trisha Brown Dance Company.

In September 2019 she took part in the intensive MoDem PRO program, produced by Compagnia Zappalà Danza, in Catania, at the end of which she has been selected to be part of the CZD2 Giovane Compagnia Zappalà Danza. She participated as a dancer to the creation ‘Rifare Bach’ by Roberto Zappalà, which has been premièred on 29 September 2021 at the Campania Teatro Festival in Naples and is currently on tour.