
Game Over
Sometimes things go too far and somebody ends up getting hurt. That’s when the game’s over. Game Over is about subtle cruelty, unfairness and jealousy. It’s about being on the outside wanting to get in, needing to fit in, wanting to be loved. It’s about human nature, which can sometimes be a bit twisted. What starts off seemingly harmless and all in good fun turns sinister as these three characters all play their part in this tragicomic drama of life.
concept, choreography and direction Susan Kempster
authors/interpreters Marta Cinicolo, Vincenzo Capasso, Claudio Malangone
music T. Brinkmann, J. Mandell, R. Strauss
light design Francesco Ferrigno
organization Maria Teresa Scarpa
production Borderline Danza, MIBAC, Regione Campania

The Three Legged Race
The three legged race requires complicity and balance between the two that run together. Like any relationship, if one pulls too much, or depends too much on the other then things get difficult. Through different life stages the two personalities in this piece push and pull each other in different directions, sometimes depending on each other, sometimes rejecting this dependence and looking for independence. In the end the things that brought them together are stronger than the things that pull them apart.
concept, choreografy and direction Susan Kempster
interpreters Vincenzo Capasso, Claudio Malangone
music AAVV
costumes Susan Kempster realizzati da Monica Pane
light design Francesco Ferrigno
organization Maria Teresa Scarpa
production La Katalitica, Borderline Danza 2012, MIBAC, Regione Campania