


Versiliadanza (IT) dance company

Choreography by Marta Bellu (IT)

Duration: 45 minutes

by and with: Marta Bellu and Donato Epiro | concept and choreography: Marta Bellu | original music and live sound: Donato Epiro | light design: Andrea Sanson | light giver: Massimiliano Calvetti | project assistant: Angela Burico | production: Versiliadanza in collaboration with Centro Nazionale di Produzione della Danza Scenario Pubblico/CZD and Cango Centro Nazionale di produzione sui linguaggi del corpo e della danza Virgilio Sieni | residences: Kinkaleri \ SpazioK, Fabbrica Europa \ Ex Fabbri, Manifatture Knos. Image Lum. | project collaboration: Michele Uccheddu, Fabio Costantino Macis, Silvia Bellu and Massimiliano Calvetti | thanks to: TiConZero, Temporeale.


The concept of Where else?, created by Marta Bellu and Donato Epiro, comes from a reflection on the perception of space. Through dance, the Versiliadanza Company brings to the stage one of man’s greatest doubts: “elsewhere, elsewhere – where else?”. The elsewhere is identified with the atmosphere, a “different thing, another thing,  the other’s”. The atmosphere is a place of origin, previous, past, full. It is living matter that transforms and changes over time. “Here? can be anything, shape. The shape, when you look for it, it moves “. Everything changes and becomes near, future, next. In Where else? language is the place of appearance of space, which is not found anywhere: “between two” is the place of the word, in a place that has no end.

Versiliadanza, founded in 1993 by Angela Torriani Evangelisti, is a professional dance company supported by Italian Ministry of Culture, Tuscan Region, Municipality of Florence, Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze bank. In 2012 it received an artistic residence at Teatro Cantiere Florida in Florence and Angela Torriani Evangelisti is there the artistic director of the dance season. From 2013 the residence has been recognized by the Tuscan Region as Regional Center for Dance.

The association is composed by artists involved in the promotion of dance and choreographic research through projects of production, organisation of events linked to contemporary art and dance, teaching and research in many art sectors (dance, music, literature, cinema, visual arts). Versiliadanza also supports and produces the work of young emerging choreographers.
Versiliadanza has collaborated, invited, created projects with famous artists: Antonio Tabucchi, Susanne Linke, Urs Dietrich, Bob Wilson, Luciana Savignano, Paco Decina, Igor Mitoraj; festivals and institutions: La Versiliana festival, the International Institute Andrej Tarkovskij, Fabbrica Europa festival, Rencontres Chorégraphiques Internationales de Bagnolet Seine Saint Denis, Small Theatre/NCA and Italian Embassy in Yerevan (Armenia).

Marta Bellu, dancer and psychologist, body and mind researcher, is interested in research on practices of awareness and expression that involve the body mind system in an artistic, educational and social sense. From 2014 she han been involved in artistic research projects starting with How to do things with words, a work on language that starts from the dialogue with the musical composition that goes on within the project Where else? It is supported by Scenario Pubblico/ CZD from 2018 until 2020 for the FIC project.

Donato Epiro, biologist, composer and musician from Puglia, works on a mixture of influences in which electronic scores composed of sound from network archives, videos, tapes, samples, FM synthesis, are intertwined with ecological, anthropogical and fantastic themes to give shape to new spaces and sound ecosystems. Epiro manages the tape label Canti Magnetici, he is curator of the series Grandangolo for Cinedelic Records and is part of the Oriente collective, engaged in the organization and promotion of events related to sounds in South Salento.