
Verso – Laboratorio per amatori

Contemporary dance free laboratory for amateur by Audrey Bergeron, dancer and choreographer
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photo by Frédérique Bérubé
Audrey Bergeron is a graduate from the École de danse contemporaine de Montréal. She performed in Loops by Ismaël Mouaraki from the dance company Destins Croisés, as well as in Vieux Thomas et la petite fée and L’Atelier by Hélène Langevin from Bouge de là. She was part of the cast of Jabbarnack, La couleur du gris and Rue Fable, three Omnibus productions. In 2013 she joined the world renowed company O Vertigo and performed in the original creations of Khaos, Les petites formes, La vie qui bat and Soif. As a choreographer, among other projects, she has created works for Tangente’s Danses Buissonnières series, Festival Quartiers Danses, Zone Homa and Bouge d’ici. In addition, she has created several dance videos that have been screened in many international festivals. Her next choreography, By the eye of the needle (60 minutes), will be presented by Danse-Cité in 2016 in Montreal.