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Time Takes The Time Time Takes

TIME TAKES THE TIME TIME TAKES is a physical dynamic conversation through movement repetitions and pendulum leitmotiv that embodies mechanisms measuring time and space. A journey of dangling movements that burst into different encounters evolving towards a perpetual mobile. An ongoing wheel that suggests time as a continuum. This performance is born out of the admiration for the rhythm and musicality that movement creates. A latent and constant rhythm that marks the passage of time. Based on a simple physical task such as pendulum, we create a sequence of complex mechanisms that are done and undone by the complicity of the five performers. TTTTTT is a poetic and choreographic manifestation, a physical, visual and sound exercise that explores space as a score within sound and movement. A perceptual experience of time, an eternal present rooted in materials and forms.


idea and concept: Guy Nader, Maria Campos | direction: Guy Nader | creation and performance: Maria Campos, Guy Nader, Roser Tutusaus, Mag. Serra, Lisard Tranis | music: Miguel Marin |light design: Israel Quintero e Lidia Ayala | lights direction: Albert Glas | costume design: Viviane Calvitti, GN|MC | production: Raqscene | co-production: Mercat de les Flors | with the support of: Graner-f.brica de creaci., L’Estruch, CO2 Festival, La Caldera, Paso a 2 e Universidad Carlos III | in collaboration with: Department of Culture – Generalitat de Catalunya, Ministery of Culture/INAEM | awards: Miquel Fiol, F.tima Campos, Bush Hartshorn, Alexis Eupierre | dancers first stage of creation: Francesco Barba, Charlotte Mathiessen