Fic Fest

The Risico Screening – Dance on video by Coorpi e Cro.me.

The Risico Screening – Dance on video by Coorpi and Cro.me

The Risico Screening is the new format that the partners of the R.I.Si.Co project have created as a model of public projection of dance video and film productions and of which they embrace history, present and future. Video dance has changed a lot: the documentary aspect has given space to original creations that use choreography as a cinematographic language. The occasion offered by Scenario Pubblico is for The Risico Screening an ideal way to be realized, approaching a production center point of reference for live dance with an equally creative network that produces and promotes dance through images, synergies, models and competitions above all in the digital field.

R.I.Si.Co. – Interactive Network for Choreographic Systems –  Project to promote the culture of dance for the audience development. The R.I.Si.Co project aims to create an integrated system for promoting culture and dance performances that privileges the channels of diffusion and interaction of new digital media. Founders and partners are the associations COORPI, Cro.me – Chronicle and Memory of the Performance and Perypezye Urbane.