
PRESENTATION OF THE BOOK “LA DANZA: ORGANIZZARE PER CREARE” by Alessandro Pontremoli and Gerarda Ventura

by Prof. Alessandro Prontemoli

La danza: organizzare per creare aims to analyze the structures, the practices, the regulatory framework, the audience and the perspectives of the organization of contemporary dance in Italy, framing it in recent history and identifying its technical specificities also with a view to improvement conditions. The book is aimed at students and young organizers who are passionate about contemporary dance, or who intend to dedicate themselves to dance, to dancers and choreographers who wish to move with greater competence and effectiveness on the terrain of organization and to those theater directors, operators, public administrators who intend to promote it with greater incisiveness and competence.

Alessandro Pontremoli is Full Professor of History of Dance at the University of Turin, Program Director of Arts, Music and Theater, and member of the Board of the PhD Program in Literature (Performing Arts Curriculum). He is Chairman of the Dance Consultative Board of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, Director of the academic journal «Mimesis Journal» and of the editorial series: «Tracce di Tersicore» (UTET Università), and «Studi di Danza» (Baldacchini Publisher). His research focuses on dance history and aesthetics (early dance from the fifteenth to the eighteenth centuries and contemporary dance), and on social and community theatre. Among his recent publications: Problemi di drammaturgia della danza, in «Il Castello di Elsinore» (2017, XXX/76); Dance 2.0. Paesaggi coreografici del nuovo millennio (Laterza, 2018); and (with Gerarda Ventura), La danza, organizzare per creare. Scenari, specificità tecniche, pratiche, quadro normativo, pubblico (Franco Angeli, 2019).