
ON TIME#1 + Subject #1 – Ambush


Regia e coreografia: Ilenia Romano
Interpretazione: performers dagli 8 ai 14 anni (Chiara Puglisi, Greta Zito, Alessio Sciacca, Beatrice Tomasello, Andrea Terranova, Davide D’angelo, Ludovico Gallo, simona Squillaci, Greta Marotta, Alfio Raiti, Gaia Siciliano, Giada Scordino)
Supporto drammaturgico: Ivano La Rosa
Musica dal vivo: Valeria Grasso and Pasqualino Cacciola

The ON TIME project is about TIME, an essential factor in movement and life. Inspired by physical, philosophical and musical theories, the research aims to recreate with the body some reflections related to the duration, the rhythm, the time of existence. I will observe the effects of manipulating motion parameters, directly and indirectly linked to time, to find out what imaginative situations I can achieve by following an “objective and aseptic” path.
The protagonists of this step # 1 are very young people from 8 to 14 years selected among the dance and music schools of the territory: their “human” response to my proposals will guide the choices in all aspects of the performance. No a priori decision, I live the becoming of the artistic process and so I determine.

Subject #1 – Part II

Artistic Directors Tristan Robilliard & Laura Lamy
Conception and Choreography Guy Shomroni and Yaniv Abraham
Dancers Laura Lamy, Claire-Marie Ricarte, Ludovic Collura, Tristan
Composer Guy Shomroni
Duration 30 minuts

We would like to create a work for the stage, and to develop it as
a quartet for the base of the compositional structure, with a net
of rules, systems, choreographic devices, tension ranges, mini
stories, solos, duets and trios.
We are planing to create a multilayered structure compiled of a
few segments, each created independently, each will consist
multiple mini stories and will be part of the bigger picture.
We are interested to discover and utilise the natural qualities of
the dancers in the process, and see how it meets our research.
For this creation we are also interested in layering different
expressions of tension.
We envision the space as an arena where different
manifestations of tension form unities, lose autonomy, co exist or
burst into flames. We are interested to examine relation ranges
such as curiosity vs personal space, desire for attention and
dangerous distractions, and between ritualistic celebration and
reflexed adherence.
We intend for this piece to stand alone as an installment within a
series of creations. We are curious to find the links between the
creation with Resodancer and the process of working on the
other episodes of the series, and define the characteristics and
properties they inherit from a mutual DNA.