


CZD2 giovane compagnia zappalà danza | ACHERONTIA 

with the collaboration of L’écume des jours 


New appointment for Scenario Pubblico’s season. On stage 30 dancers of the MoDem PRO program who will present the performance MUDDICA AFTER SEEDS, final result after 4 months of work on the choreographic language of Compagnia Zappalà Danza. During the same evening the creation ACHERONTIA will be staged for the first time, result of the creativity of Silvia Oteri performed by the young ensemble CZD2 [IT].
The evening is realized in co-production with the AME Music Association Etnea. The young dancers have in fact collaborated for the occasion with the young musicians Vittorio Auteri and Simone Spampinato / L’écume des jours.




artistic coordination Enrico Musmeci

dancers MoDem PRO | original music L’écume des jours (Vittorio Auteri and Simone Spampinato)

A coproduction by Scenario Pubblico/Compagnia Zappalà Danza and AME Associazione Musicale Etnea

Muddica After Seeds is the final result of the work that the dancers of MoDem PRO made during the 4 month program, deepening MoDem, the choreographic language of Compagnia Zappalà Danza. During the program some dancers made a choreographic research which led to Seeds # 1 and Seeds # 2,  little creations made by the same dancers and reworked by the director Enrico Musmeci for the evening Muddica After Seeds. The aim of this work is to create a collective bond, sometimes maintaining the integral structures other times selecting the most original ideas or breaking down the same choreographic constructions.


(escape in the dream)
CZD2 giovane compagnia zappalà danza
Choreography Silvia Oteri | Assistant Marta Greco 
Dancers CZD2: Carmine Caruso, Daniel Conant, Martra Greco, Amandine Lamouroux, Gaia Occhipinti | Original music L’écume des jours (Vittorio Auteri and Simone Spampinato)
A coproduction by Scenario Pubblico/Compagnia Zappalà Danza and AME Associazione Musicale Etnea
A butterfly with an emblematic appearance, it stimulates the fantasies of man from its very first appearance, bringing to the consciousness of each one the hidden sensations of unknown and fear. If the butterfly embodies the mystery of metamorphosis, change is the natural spiritual evolution of beings. But what dies and abandons its earthly body rises to new life, moths like every butterfly goes beyond states, like every man goes through phases of its existence. An interweaving of references, Acherontia as acheronte bitter river of the ade, descendant of the souls in the underworld and Atropos as Atropo (from the Greek ἄτροπος “inexorable, immutable” but also α -τροπή “with no way out”) name of the most feared of the three parking lots, they thus established the death of men through the metaphor of life seen as the “thread” of life. Their decisions were immutable because they were the fruit of Destiny.