interactive audio video installation




interactive audio video installation

concept & video Christian Graupner/Humatic | performer and choreographer Roberto Zappalà | interactive music and sound design Norbert Schnell (Ircam) | system developer and software artist Nils Peters (Humatic)

MindBox is produced by Humatic Berlin in collaboration with TMA Hellerau (Dresden), BEK Bergen Centre for Electronic Arts (Norway) and Compagnia Zappalà Danza

MindBox technology is based on HUMA system and FTM & Co libraries for Max/MSP.

MindBox was premiered at the CynetArt Festival in Dresden, November 2009

With the MindBox audio-visual system, Christian Graupner & Partners have created a video triptych that can interact with the audience and is inspired by the slot machine model.

MindBox captures the viewer’s senses, offering them a cheerful game of chance based on a mix of elements ranging from music to choreography, cinematography to dance to beat boxing.

Thanks in part to the contributions of software artists and developers such as Nils Peters (Humatic) and Norbert Schnell (IRCAM), the MindBox triptych turns out to be a highly dynamic musical machine, continuously producing the new rhythmic motifs that are the material basis of Zappalà’s movements. The form and surface of MindBox also follow the principles of re-performing, re-engineering and re-cycling. Metal designers (stabil-berlin.de) and electronics hackers (Jo Frgmt & Christian Guenther) helped transform a now disused slot machine into an unconventional instrument, functional to Zappalà’s body-contact-music. And that, with its intermittent fluorescent letters and sequences of light mimic that continuous self-completion and juxtaposition of loops with interrupted rhythms and Jukebox video-dance spirals.