



Concept: Giovanna Velardi | choreography: Giovanna Velardi | performers: Giovanna Velardi and Federico Brugnone | costumes: Dora Argento | dramaturgy project coordination: Roberta Nicolai | direction consultancy: Luciano Colavero | dramaturgy consultancy: Andrea Milano, Matteo Finamore | organisation: Danila Blasi | communication: Benedetta Boggio | a production: PINDOC | with the support of MIBACT and Regione Siciliana | with the collaboration of: Triangolo Scaleno/Festival Teatri di Vetro, Rosa Shocking/Festival Tendance, Armunia/Festival Inequilibrio, Spazio Franco | Matteo Finamore and Andrea Milano have been selected for the present project among the participants in “Esercizi di Regia 2019” | thanks to La Vicaria, home of the Sud Costa Occidentale company.

A he and a she. A fight. Beginning or end of a crisis? Turbulence of a beginning of love or last blows of an end? The moon accompanies her waiting, he dusts off his memory, obsessively rethinking what led to the crisis. Glaring she, eclipsed he, who insists on his masquerade. It gets dark often, it is crisis. The encounter between a man and a woman, who like two celestial bodies gravitate in each other’s orbit, until they collide to generate the greatest explosion of light, the apocalypse. The tale of a change of state, of how an encounter can turn into a clash, how ice can become water or steam and become ice again. Breaking the ice, making it never again recompose itself is not an easy thing to do. How to change the point of view? How to achieve a vis-à-vis without glasses?


Choreography and score: Maguy Marin | remounted choreography: Cathy Polo, Ennio Sammarco | costumes: Montserrat Casanova | lights: Pierre Colomer | repeating masters: Paolo Lauri, Enrico Morelli | performers: interpreti: Emiliana Campo, Lorenzo Fiorito.

“Eden is a dance full of strength and beauty, perhaps because of what is natural emanates from the movement of purity and precision of gesture, from the almost plastic figures, from the power of the bodies. It is from there that the emotion arises. From this sobriety that reveals the essential. If love is a dance, it is surely Eden.”

Yasmine Tigoe.

In Duo d’Eden two MMCDC dancers interpret with style and mastery a rarely beautiful, original, very difficult and articulate piece. Simply a man and a woman, flesh-colored jumpsuits highlighting their nudity, very long hair wig for her, clinging to each other throughout the piece, with continuous evolutions of her on his body. An Adam and Eve immersed in a journey of sensuality, eros, defense, attack, in a not so peaceful, safe and idyllic world. A poetic and intense piece.