Spettacolo in abbonamento



Fight Bright

Milan Tomášik & Co.

65 minutes

Fight Bright is an authentic expression of sensitivity, empathy and dialogue. Strength is used as a means of defense and knowledge, never to attack. The interweaving of choreography, scenography and original musical compositions offers a sophisticated aesthetic experience that transcends the boundaries of matter and illuminates the field of energy, thoughts and ideas. In this work the choreographer connects his interest in exploring the resulting rhythm of muscular tension in the body of dancers with certain physical and psychological contents and the relative nuances of color and emotional that emerge from it. Through specific levels of muscular tension, the performance in the form of choreographic writing highlights the physical extensions in conceiving human relationships, which in the world manipulated by “false news” disappear daily.

Concept and choreography: Milan Tomášik | assistant choreography: Špela Vodeb | created and interpreted by: Diego Alvarez Sanóu, Alessandro Sollima, Milan Tomášik, Tina Valentan, Špela Vodeb | music: Simon Thierrée | lights: Janko Čief, Aljaž Zaletel | sets and costumes: Jasna Vastl | production: KUD Courtesy | production representatives: Nina Fajdiga, Milan Tomášik, Katarína Zjavková | photography and video: Stanislav Dobák | co-production: Public Scenario – National Dance Production Center, Cankarjev dom Ljubljana, Dance Theater Ljubljana, Stanica Žilina- Záriečie, The Old Power Station Ljubljana, Mediterranean dance center San Vincenti | financed by: Municipality of Ljubljana, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, Slovak Arts Council, Alpeks | special thanks: Charlie Brittain, JSKD


Ticket price: full €13 – reduced €10