

year 2022 duration 30'


CZD2 giovane compagnia zappalà danza

concept and choreography: Alessio Distefano | dancers: Rebecca Bendinelli, Andrea Rachele Bruno, Laura Finocchiaro, Paola Fontana, Paola Tosto, Alessandra Verona, Giulia Berretta | production by: Scenario Pubblico Centro Nazionale di Produzione della Danza | with the support of MIC Ministero della Cultura e di Regione Siciliana Ass.to del Turismo, dello Sport e dello Spettacolo


Canceling oneself and absorbing external influences leads to reducing that special light that dwells within each of us to a tiny vital space.

Fears, those that lead us to live and explore our darkest sides even if they cause great suffering, become necessary to rediscover ourselves, to bring back to us that special light that we have always been in possession of since our birth, a light that elevates to wisdom and leading to forgiveness and gratitude.