
Corpo Cage

year 2019 duration 30'

choreography Roberto Zappalà

CZD2 – giovane compagnia zappalà danza


Created in 2009 for the Dutch structures Foundation Theaterwerkplaats General Oost and ArtEZ Arnhem and for Pergine Spettacolo Aperto, Corpo Cage stimulated the interest of Roberto Zappalà in exploring the music of John Cage who has always been for the choreographer inspiring of dialogue space-body very crystalline and pure. On the occasion of the Dutch debut, the music was specially created by Paula Matthausen, who, with a very personal research, links up with Cage in the timbre exploration.

The CZD2 is the young zappalà danza company, composed by dancers selected from the MoDem PRO program. The young ensemble increasingly proves to be a valid creative tool for the new generation of choreographers, who, supported by our National Dance Production Center, show a special interest in employing the young dancers of the CZD2, possessing excellent technical qualities as well as sensitivity and vigor, indispensable sources in the new dynamics and creative methodologies.


CORPO CAGE choreography Roberto Zappalà | music Paula Matthusen | assistant: Fernando Roldan Ferrer |  a production by Scenario Pubblico CZD in collaboration with Stichting Theaterwerkplaats Generale Oost, ArtEZ Arnhem and Pergine Spettacolo Aperto

dancers: Paloma Biagioli, Carmine Caruso, Daniel Conant, Amandine Lamouroux, Gaia Occhipinti, Madison Pomarico, Francesca Santamaria, Marie Sheehy

lights: Sammy Torrisi  costumes: Debora Privitera


with the support of  MIBAC and Regione Siciliana Ass.to del Turismo, dello Sport e dello Spettacolo | in collaboration with the European network DQD Danse Qui Danse