
  In Virus (1st part of the work) the dancer interprets the world, transforming herself in images and sounds, to get bigger and expand. In Antivirus she uses the body as a lonely presence and she shows how it can evolve in the world without the help of any technology. A full weighted body, in its human condition, a solitary body…
Coreografia e interpretazione Annabelle Bonnéry
Musiche Vitor Joaquim
Disegno luci Elodie Llinares
Elettronica, ricerca, tecnologia Dominique David
Costumi Kathy Brunner
Scena e video François Deneulin
Produzione Cie. Lanabel in coproduzione con Atelier Arts-Sciences, CEA Grenoble, Hexagone Scène Nationale de Meylan, DRAC Rhône-Alpes, Région Rhône-Alpes, Conseil Général
de l’Isère. In collaborazione con la MC2 e con il sostegno di CCN de Grenoble-JC Gallotta