Serata 2 short - in abbonamento
The Station
This story is not about a nice family who is waiting at a station.
We were 3 years old when we disappeared.
We’ve been living here in this closed place for 123 years, which is known by the people as The Station.
We know exactly who we were then, and what we have become.
Escape if you can!
Play with me if you dare!
Do we know exactly who we were then, and what we have become?
dancers, authors: Ferenc Fehér, Dávid Mikó | music: Ferenc Fehér | professional consultant: Judit Simon | light design: Dávid Kovácsovics | choreography: Ferenc Fehér | production: Katlan Group | co-production: Katlan Group | with the support of: NKA, Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma, Katlan Group