Video Danza

The Risico Screening – la Danza in 1 Minuto

A year of non-stop screenings inside the Farm Cultural Park nanobox, to a full immersion in contemporary dance! A selection of some of the best finalist works of the national contest  ” dance in 1 minute”.

La Danza in 1 minute is a national dance video contest addressed  to the creativity of Italy. It represents  An opportunity to express the  meanings dance can have in the wider sense. through a 60  minutes video,

The contest has just come through its VII edition.

——————— PROGRAM ———————

One minute of love – Strangers / Elena Maria Olivero – 2013 – Finalist

1180 and more / Riccardo De Simone – 2016 – Special prize of the participants

Boxed / Gianluca Ricceri – 2016 – 1st Jury Prize – Please – Angela Calia – 2016 – Cinedumedia Mention – Rayuela – Moveo (S. Chiusolo, C. Borino, V. Vestoso) – 2015 – Finalist

Transits / Simona Miraglia – Francesco Maria Attardi – 2016 – Finalist

———————- project by: Coorpi (Turin) | artistic direction: Cristiana Candellero, Lucia De Rienzo | as part of the project: R.I.Si.Co. | in collaboration with: Cro.me – Chronicle and Memory of Performance, Perypezye Urbane | with the support of: Mibac – Directorate General for Live Performance, Piedmont Region, City of Turin, CRT FOUNDATION.