La morte e la fanciulla
Direction and choreography: Michele Abbondanza and Antonella Bertoni
With Ludovica Messina, Valentina Dal Mas, Claudia Rossi Valli | Music: F.Schubert ‘La morte e la fanciulla – original title Der Tod und das Maedchen
Lighting Andrea Gentili | Video Jump Cut | Organization Dalia Macii | Administration and coordination Francesca Leonelli | Press office and communication Susanna Caldonazzi | Production Compagnia Abbondanza Bertoni | With the support of MIC Ministry of Culture, Autonomous Province of Trento – Cultural Activities Service, Municipality of Rovereto – Department of Culture, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto
Winner of Premio Danza&Danza 2017 as best Italian production of the year
(Full nude on stage)
Duration: 45 minutes
On stage three different “masterpieces”.
One musical: the quartet in D minor “Death and the Maiden” by Franz Schubert
A physical one: the human being in the excellence of its dynamics.
A spiritual-philosophical one: the mystery of the end and its continuous gaze on us.
Our thoughts return to the human being and what defines him: life and death; the beginning and the end are the miracles of our existence, as well as the impermanence of being with its continuously changing forms. This passage from one form to another has something to do with choreographic art: bearer of such a task, it is itself a flash of images that appear and disappear continuously; for this reason we have lingered precisely on that aspect that we could define as “twilight” of dance, captured, in our intentions, precisely in its impermanent and transitory moment.
An example of musical writing that aspires to infinity and accompanies the listener beyond a rational idea, towards the unknown and the transcendent. We have tried to understand, to open, like surgeons, the body of this writing to scrutinize the voids, the hollow spaces and never as this time composing has resembled an eternal precipitate, a flight from every end and every sense.