Spettacolo in abbonamento




e|ma is a living sculpture. This choreographic work was born from a research made by both artists during a residency at Kujoyama Villa in Japan about the « Ma »  notion – experience of emptiness and silence between things and beings, in the manner of breathing . The time – space of e|ma is structured by the dancers and the digital device made of polyhedrons, known as Dürer’s, provided with behaviors. The choreography is performed by dancers of ​varying ​generations, cultures​​,​ and languages. The work ​focuses​ the ​viewer’s ​attention to​ward​ the interstitial spaces ​existing across ​multiple differences and open​ing toward a new aesthetic form. 

The stage becomes a microcosm that refers to the contemporary world: the relation between dance and technology is not about the virtual, but instead is driven by a physical connection between the robotic objects and the dancer’s body. They create together a unique space-time.


Conception : Maria Donata D’Urso, Wolf Ka

Choreography: Maria Donata D’Urso

Dancers: Maria Donata D’Urso, Suzon Holzer, Anne Laurent and Bumpei Kunimoto.

Interactif device: Wolf Ka

Light creation : Sylvie Garot

Sound creation : Lorenzo Bianchi Hoesch

Costumes advice: Manuela Agnesini

Digital manufacturing and 3D printing : ENSCI

and the complicity of: La Nouvelle Fabrique and Volumes

Production menager: Catherine Monaldi 


Production: DisOrienta 

Partners: Centre des arts d’Enghien-les-Bains, scène conventionnée « écritures numériques » et le Centre National de Danse Contemporaine d’Angers.

Supports: Ministère de la culture – Drac Ile-de-France,  DICRéAM and ENSCI.

TRAILER: https://vimeo.com/256392301