e|ma is a living sculpture. This choreographic work was born from a research made by both artists during a residency at Kujoyama Villa in Japan about the « Ma » notion – experience of emptiness and silence between things and beings, in the manner of breathing . The time – space of e|ma is structured by the dancers and the digital device made of polyhedrons, known as Dürer’s, provided with behaviors. The choreography is performed by dancers of varying generations, cultures, and languages. The work focuses the viewer’s attention toward the interstitial spaces existing across multiple differences and opening toward a new aesthetic form.
The stage becomes a microcosm that refers to the contemporary world: the relation between dance and technology is not about the virtual, but instead is driven by a physical connection between the robotic objects and the dancer’s body. They create together a unique space-time.
Conception : Maria Donata D’Urso, Wolf Ka
Choreography: Maria Donata D’Urso
Dancers: Maria Donata D’Urso, Suzon Holzer, Anne Laurent and Bumpei Kunimoto.
Interactif device: Wolf Ka
Light creation : Sylvie Garot
Sound creation : Lorenzo Bianchi Hoesch
Costumes advice: Manuela Agnesini
Digital manufacturing and 3D printing : ENSCI
and the complicity of: La Nouvelle Fabrique and Volumes
Production menager: Catherine Monaldi
Production: DisOrienta
Partners: Centre des arts d’Enghien-les-Bains, scène conventionnée « écritures numériques » et le Centre National de Danse Contemporaine d’Angers.
Supports: Ministère de la culture – Drac Ile-de-France, DICRéAM and ENSCI.
TRAILER: https://vimeo.com/256392301