

Ideazione Léa Canu Ginoux
Partitura coreografica & danza Léa Canu Ginoux e Giovanna Velardi
Partitura sonora Philippe Festou, compositore
Collaborazione musicale & esecuzione: Chikako Hosoda, violinista solista
Partitura luminosa & scenografica Pascale Bongiovanni, Léa Canu Ginoux e Nathalie Genot
Ricerca parallela Antropologia del camminare insieme a Maria José Coloma
Produzione MEAARI in coproduzione con FC@PIN.D’OC [compagnia Giovanna Velardi] (Italia)
in partenariato con il Théâtre Nono – Marsiglia (Francia)

Un’ora prima dello spettacolo apertura dell’Archive Exhibit (mostra dell’archivio di BOUSSOLE) per la cui visione e ascolto è consigliato l’uso di auricolari da parte del pubblico.

Two Stages || The Exposition & Installation
Archive Exhibit // Exhibition of the archive of the Creativ Process
This is an exhibition of the space/time leading to the performance.
It reveals the marks oh the process of creating Boussole (drawing of scores research documents, records of interviews, video extracts of the work, photos etc.)
The Archive Exhibit is accessible as the public arrives and offers some jeys for interpreting the performance. It takes different shapes: sound, vision and sensation.
The Intent: to raise the awareness of the public -to awake curiosity – to stimulate the senses – to invite imagination This moment is conceived of as a transition between the relaxed entrance of the spectator and a state of attentiveness. Their attention navigates from one line to another, choices regarding what to attend to are made.
In this state of continuous presence, each person receives an invitation, a “public score” which allows them to act on the installation. This suggests the rules of the game, of listening and movement.

It offers the possibility of actively participating [or not] in the performance.

Installation // BOUSSOLE

This is an open opportunity to transform space into a multi-directional place. In this context, Léa imagines a four sided space with 2 or 4 entrances with different sensory architectures.

This installation encourages the circular movement of bodies and looks, with the intention of creating points of meeting and new points of reference. To walk to leave you footprint, your trace. To go forward to assert yourself, to cross paths, to meet others.
To open up spaces, borders.

The installation BOUSSOLE is designed as an ecosystem of partitions with:

3 choreographic and sound parts, independant and in dialogue / 3 performers

1 light part

1 public part