
BALLA CON ME – laboratorio per amatori

Contemporary dance free laboratory for amateur by Ming Poon, dancer and choreographer
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The body relates
To dance is to relate. A dancing body is a body in the process of continuous relating. It is not a linear process; it is fluid and moves in different directions. The focus of my class/workshop is to understand and find movement through the way how our body relates. We explore how the body reaches out and makes contact with bodies other than our own. The guiding principle is that movement/dance is a function of how we relate to each other.
Somatic exercises are employed to increase our physical sensitivity and to heighten our awareness and empathy. Touch and sensing play a vital role. Emphasis is placed on observing the space between our bodies and how it affects the way our bodies relate to each other. The aim is to produce an awareness of the network of body relations that we are situated within and to which we are also actively contributing. And inside this network,
our body find its freedom to move.
We start our investigation with our own body, and we observe how relating to another body can open up new possibilities and guide the way we move. In the process of relating, we learn about how our body negotiates with another body that may conflict with ours. Instead of seeing conflict and dissyntony as failure, we learn to treat them as a potential for transformation and a catalyst for creativity. When we achieve physical empathy with another body, we see that the potential of the body lies not within itself but in being part of something bigger than itself. A relating body dances with the world.
This class/workshop is suitable for dancers, performers, artists, creators, trainers, teachers and body workers who are interested in achieving a greater physical empathy and connectedness.