rifarsi gli occhi
from the project Corpi incompiuti
Choreography and direction: Roberto Zappalà
Music: John Cage, Led Zeppelin, Rem, Luigi Tenco, Daniele Zappalà
Dancers: Daniela Bendini , Claudia Fichera, Wei Meng Poon,Kana Ote, Paola Valenti, Michal Zahora
Text: Nello Calabrò
Light design Marco Policastro
Set design Roberto Zappalà
Costumes in collaboration with the dancers
photos Gianmaria Musarra
A coproduction by compagnia zappalà danza – Scenario Pubblico
The motto from Jules Verne’s Michael Strogoff “Guarda, a tutt’occhi guarda…” (“Look, with all your eyes, look!”), inspires this production of the compagnia zappalà danza.
Sight as both our major source of information and carrier of perception puzzles and paradoxes – is the subject of investigation of Roberto Zappalà’s work, as part of his larger project on sensory perception "Corpi incompiuti".
Sight is the sense that bears within itself the two primary elements of creation, light and darkness; sight is itself a ‘point of view’. Dance moves within these motifs, exploring intersections, relations, short-circuits.
Dance as interdependent on sight.