
Naufragio con Spettatore

year 2010 duration 55'
dedicated to Sergio
first step from ODISSEO, from the project re-mapping sicily
freely inspired by “shpwreck with Spectator” by Hans Blumenberg
worldpremière: 31 august 2010 uva grapes Catania contemporary dance network
choreography and direction Roberto Zappalà
music (live) J.S.Bach
dramaturgy Nello Calabrò e Roberto Zappalà
dancers Fernando Roldan Ferrer, Roberto Provenzano / Adriano Coletta, Antoine Roux-Briffaud
at the piano Luca Ballerini
voice Marianna Cappellani
set and light design Roberto Zappalà
costumes Debora Privitera
photos Antonio Caia
a coproduction by compagnia zappalà danza – Scenario Pubblico performing arts
in collaboration with Teatro Stabile di Catania, ArtEZ Arnhem (NL), uva grapes Catania contemporary dance festival, AME Associazione Musicale Etnea
with the support of MIC Ministero della Cultura and Regione Siciliana Ass.to del Turismo dello Sport e dello Spettacolo
Pre-testo 1: naufragio con spettatore [pre-text 1:shipwreck with spectator ] is the first step from ODISSEO, the new creation of Zappalà, which focuses on the theme of migration and the relation between us Westerners and the migrants. Similarly to Odysseus’s journeys, many of today’s tragic odysseys are set across the Mediterranean Sea, with Sicily at its very centre. Throughout much of its history since the 1800s, Sicily has experienced major waves of emigration.
Starting from the idea of the shipwreck the choreographer will deal with concepts like journey, hunger/thirst, death/salvation, lack of space,  and with references to Ulysses as a shipwrecked  and only survivor in the Alcinoo’s island. Treating last but not least the today chronicles, with the continuous migrants’ crossings in the Mediterranean Sea and the consequent and tragic shipwrecks; from the one of Porto Palo (the biggest shipwreck in Mediterranean’s history after the Second World War) to the one of march 2009, with 3 boats with more than 350 migrants sinked off Lebanon.
Interesting sugestions will also come from the pictorial work “Le Radeau de la Méduse” by Théodore Gericault and from Hans Blumenberg’s essay  ‘Schiffbruch mit Zuschauer’.